Hello, I’m a Software Engineer living near Paris, France. I’m currently working at Back Market.
You can contact me by email at dbeley [ at ] protonmail [ dot ] com.
Thanks for stopping by!
The complete list of my projects is available on my github profile.
- tuberank (Source Code): Community website to rate and discover YouTube videos.
- fdroid-insights (Source Code): Website to explore F-Droid apps with a sortable list.
- lpa-table (Source Code): Website to explore LinuxPhoneApps data with a sortable list.
- firefox-addons-table (Source Code): Website to explore Firefox add-ons with a sortable list.
- my-steam-library (Source Code): Website to display a Steam library with a sortable list.
- steam_stats: Command-line utility to extract data from Steam games.
- django-lastfm (Source Code): Web application acting as a frontend for the following projects:
- lastfm_cg: Last.fm Collage Generator.
- lastfm_pg: Last.fm Playlist Generator.
- lastfm-wordcloud : Last.fm Wordcloud Generator.
- lastfm-scraper: Some scripts to extract data from Last.fm.
- lineageos-devices-timeline (Code source) : Static website showing officially supported LineageOS devices sorted by their release date.
- mpdscrobble: Last.fm scrobbler for MPD, also compatible with Listenbrainz and maloja.
- subreddit-activity-shiny (Source Code): R Shiny app to explore the content of a subreddit_tracker database.
- youtube_extract : Utility to extract metadata for all the videos of a YouTube channel.
- ypc : Utility to convert text/spotify/deezer playlists into YouTube urls with audio/video download options.
- reddit_export_userdata : Utility to export user data from one or several Reddit users.
- archiveboxmatic : Utility to automate ArchiveBox exports.
- nixos-config : My NixOS config files.
- dotfiles: My Linux config files (deprecated, I now mainly use NixOS).
- docker-compose: My collection of docker-compose files focused on self-hosting software.
- playlists: My playlists under version control.
- Photos: photos.dbeley.ovh
- Mastodon: @dbeley@mamot.fr
- Last.fm: https://last.fm/user/d_beley
- ListenBrainz: https://listenbrainz.org/user/dbeley/